Wednesday, February 25, 2009

HR Interview Questions

Tips for HR Interview 
Entering the room
Prior to the entering the door, adjust your attire so that it falls well.Before entering enquire by saying, “May I come in sir/madam”.If the door was closed before you entered, make sure you shut the door behind you softly.Face the panel and confidently say ‘Good day sir/madam’.If the members of the interview board want to shake hands, then offer a firm grip first maintaining eye contact and a smile.Seek permission to sit down. If the interviewers are standing, wait for them to sit down first before sitting.

The interviewer normally pays more attention if you display an enthusiasm in whatever you say.This enthusiasm come across in the energetic way you put forward your ideas. You should remain cheerful throughout the interview.

A little humor or wit thrown in the discussion occasionally enables the interviewers to look at the pleasant side of your personality, It means to make a passing comment that, perhaps, makes the interviewer smile.

Eye contact
You must maintain eye contact with the panel, right through the interview. This shows your self-confidence and honesty.Many interviewees while answering, tend to look away. This conveys you are concealing your own anxiety, fear and lack of confidence.Maintaining an eye contact is a difficult process. As the circumstances in an interview are different, the value of eye contact is tremendous in making a personal impact.

Be natural
Many interviewees adopt a stance which is not their natural self.It is amusing for interviewers when a candidate launches into an accent which he or she cannot sustain consistently through the interview or adopt mannerisms that are inconsistent with his/her personality.Interviewers appreciate a natural person rather than an actor.It is best for you to talk in natural manner because then you appear genuine.

So be genuine and donot try to be oversmart or overact.
And all your answers must be in line with the company's requirements at the time of interview. You should show a positive and optimistic attitude.

Questions you must ask the HR
  Should you ask any questions from the HR during your job interview? If you go wrong then it may put your selection or placement in the company at risk? So you have to study and think about the questions which you must ask the HR interviewer in advance. Read more.

HR interviews form an important part of the test for placement in any reputed company. Ever wondered what questions you should ask during your HR interview for a reputed company?I will indulge into the situation and tell you some important questions which you must ask the HR. These will not only clear your doubts, make you more comfortable but also make a better impression in front of the HR. The important questions are as follows:

What kinds of assignments might I expect the first six months on the job?
How often are performance reviews given?
Please describe the duties of the job for me.
What products (or services) are in the development stage now?
Do you have plans for expansion?
What are your growth projections for next year?
Are salary adjustments geared to the cost of living or job performance?
Does your company encourage further education?
How do you feel about creativity and individuality?
Do you offer flextime?
What is the usual promotional time frame?
What do you like best about your job/company?
Once the probation period is completed, how much authority will I have over decisions?
Has there been much turnover in this job area?
Do you fill positions from the outside or promote from within first?
Is your company environmentally conscious? In what ways?
Is this a new position or am I replacing someone?
What is the largest single problem facing your staff (department) now?
May I talk with the last person who held this position?
What qualities are you looking for in the candidate who fills this position?
Is there a lot of team/project work?
Will I have the opportunity to work on special projects? Where does this position fit into the organizational structure?
How much travel, if any, is involved in this position?
What is the next course of action? When should I expect to hear from you or should I contact you?

You dont just have to flood the interviewer with your own questions but you should ask the interview the ones relevant to your situation. 

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